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Registrations Management

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In case you wish to correct/amend the data of your registration and/or make any changes/modifications regarding your entry, you have to send a relevant request to one of the following email addresses:

After sending the request you will receive a response with any instructions you need to follow.


On the subject of your email request you need to mention the correlating title which refers to the change you wish to make based on the cases below:

1. Correction of Runners’ Basic Data

Refers to runners’ identification data (name, date of birth, nationality, contact information) and not to entry name/ runner replacement.

2. Correction/ Add Finish time

Correcting or adding your best finish time is possible only until October 1st and a penalty fee of 5,00€* is applied. After this date, case #8 Change of Starting Block is applied (see below).

Your email must include your exact finish time (hh:mm:ss), the event and the year that took place. It is noted that only finish times that took place in the last three years (2022-2024) at a certified race are taken under consideration.

Note: For those registered in the Marathon Race, only finish times in other Marathon or Half Marathon Races may be stated. Ultra-distances, mountain races, 10km or 5km races are not taken under consideration. For those registered in the 10km or 5km Road Races may state finish times in Half Marathon, 10km or 5km Races.

Attention: Sending the request doesn’t imply automatic placement in the corresponding starting block. The finish time you submit is checked and in case of inaccuracies or non-compliance with the above instructions, the request will be denied.

3. Add a Note for Placement in the Same Starting Block with a co-athlete

Adding a note for placement in the same starting block with a co-athlete is possible only until October 1st and a penalty fee of 5,00€ is applied. After this date, case #8 Change of Starting Block is applied (see below).

In the email request, the co-athlete’s full name and registration ID code must be mentioned.

It is noted that the request must be sent by both runners; otherwise, the request is not taken into account when placing you in a starting block. Finally, it is noted that in case the request is approved, the runners will be placed in the starting block corresponding to the slowest runner. In case the request includes more than one person, the above procedure should be followed by all interested parties.

Attention: Sending the request doesn’t imply automatic placement in the corresponding starting block. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will only be implemented if deemed feasible.

4. Change T-shirt size

You must mention the size you wish to receive. It is noted that such requests are accepted until October 25th.

5. Change Registration Level

Requests for change of an entry’s Registration Level are accepted until October 25th.

To upgrade from Advanced to Full Registration Level the runner needs to cover the fee difference between the levels.

In case of change in Registration Level from Full to Advanced, the runner can choose to donate the fee difference to an NGO partnering with the event or to receive a refund of the fee difference with a deduction of 10,00€ as handling fees.

6. Change the Race/ Distance of Participation

Change in the race/ distance of participation is possible (on the condition that the participation limit for the race has not been met) until October 1st and a penalty fee of 5,00€* is applied regardless of the race. After October 1st change in the race of participation is possible (on the condition that the participation limit for the race has not been met) after the announcement of the races’ Start Lists and until October 25th with the addition of the penalty fee of 5,00€* regardless of the race.

In case a runner wishes to change his/her race of participation to a greater distance (e.g. from 5km to Marathon Race), he/ she needs to cover the fee difference between the races with the addition of the penalty fee.

In case a runner wishes to change the race of participation to a smaller distance (e.g. from Marathon to 10km Road Race), the runner will be asked to cover the penalty fee. (refund of the fee difference is NOT possible)

In case of Group Registration, the request must be sent by the Group Manager to

7. Change the Registration Name/ Runner Replacement

A change in a runner’s entry name is possible until October 25th and a penalty fee of 5.00€* is applied. After this date, such requests will NOT be accepted at the Runner’s Center & Marathon EXPO either.

The request for the change of an entry’s name needs to be sent by the Original Runner and he/she needs to state the personal information of the New Runner. For full transparency of the process, we kindly ask that all interested parties are include on the email request.

It is noted that for runner replacements after October 1th, the New Runner is placed in the same starting block as the Original Runner. In case that a change in starting block is needed, case #8 Change of Starting Block applies. 

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Nationality:
  • Mobile Phone:
  • Emergency Phone (of a third person, to be used only in case of emergency):
  • Email:
  • Club/ Team (optional):
  • Best Finish Time (optional):  hh:mm:ss – event – year

In case of Group Registration, the request needs to be sent by the Team Manager to

8. Change of Starting Block

Arbitrary change in the starting block by a registered runner is prohibited and results in his/her removal from the results of the race. Change of a runner’s starting block is possible only with the approval of the Organizing Committee.

This change can be made only after the announcement of the races’ Start Lists and until October 25th. Note that, a penalty fee of 5.00€ * is applied.

It is noted that in case the limits of each starting block that the runner wishes to be place have been completed, then he/she is placed in the next starting block with availability.

Finally, changes to the starting blocks will be made within reasonable limits, depending on the best finish time of the runner. E.g. A runner with best finish time at 40 minutes in a 5km distance will NOT be placed in the first starting blocks.

Attention: Such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will only be made if deemed feasible.

9. Cancellation of registration

Cancellations are possible strictly until 25 September 2024. Cancellation request should only be sent to the following email: .

In all cases of entry or transaction cancellation requests sent up until the above date to the above email, the registration fee is refunded to the applicant with a deduction as handling fees, regardless the race of registration. It is noted that any NGO donations are non-refundable.

Read the Cancellation Policy of the event in detail HERE.  

10. Duplicate Registration

As stated in the Terms of Registration of the event, it is forbidden to submit more than one registration in the same race by the same runner. In case a runner has submitted more than one valid registration, either individually or through a team, he/she must promptly inform the Organizing Committee via email, otherwise only the registration submitted first remains active.

The subsequent registration, if submitted individually, is canceled according to the Cancellation Policy of the event without prior notice, while in case of team registration, the entry is released to the team for management, with relevant notice to the team leader.

* The penalty fee for these changes is applied as handling fees. The penalty fee is not applied in the cases 1, 4 and 5


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